Log levels customization

If you want to customize the log level of your otoroshi instances, it’s pretty easy to do it using environment variables or configuration file.

Customize log level for one logger with configuration file

Let say you want to see DEBUG messages from the logger otoroshi-http-handler.

Then you just have to declare in your otoroshi configuration file

otoroshi.loggers {
  otoroshi-http-handler = "DEBUG"

possible levels are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF. Default one is WARN.

Customize log level for one logger with environment variable

Let say you want to see DEBUG messages from the logger otoroshi-http-handler.

Then you just have to declare an environment variable named OTOROSHI_LOGGERS_OTOROSHI_HTTP_HANDLER with value DEBUG. The rule is

"OTOROSHI_LOGGERS_" + loggerName.toUpperCase().replace("-", "_")

possible levels are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF. Default one is WARN.

List of loggers