TCP services

TCP service are special kind of otoroshi services meant to proxy pure TCP connections (ssh, database, http, etc)

Global information

  • Id: generated unique identifier
  • TCP service name: the name of your TCP service
  • Enabled: enable and disable the service
  • TCP service port: the listening port
  • TCP service interface: network interface listen by the service
  • Tags: list of tags associated to the service
  • Metadata: list of metadata associated to the service


this section controls the TLS exposition of the service

  • TLS mode
    • Disabled: no TLS
    • PassThrough: as the target exposes TLS, the call will pass through otoroshi and use target TLS
    • Enabled: the service will be exposed using TLS and will chose certificate based on SNI
  • Client Auth.
    • None no mTLS needed to pass
    • Want pass with or without mTLS
    • Need need mTLS to pass

Server Name Indication (SNI)

this section control how SNI should be treated

  • SNI routing enabled: if enabled, the server will use the SNI hostname to determine which certificate to present to the client
  • Forward to target if no SNI match: if enabled, a call without any SNI match will be forward to the target
  • Target host: host of the target called if no SNI
  • Target ip address: ip of the target called if no SNI
  • Target port: port of the target called if no SNI
  • TLS call: encrypt the communication with TLS


for any listening TCP proxy, it is possible to route to multiple targets based on SNI or extracted http host (if proxying http)

  • Matching domain name: regex used to filter the list of domains where the rule will be applied
  • Target host: host of the target
  • Target ip address: ip of the target
  • Target port: port of the target
  • TLS call: enable this flag if the target is exposed using TLS