
All generated and imported certificates are listed in the https://otoroshi.xxxx/bo/dashboard/certificates page. All those certificates can be used to serve traffic with TLS, perform mTLS calls, sign and verify JWT tokens.

The list of available actions are:

  • Add item: redirects the user on the certificate creation page. It’s useful when you already had a certificate (like a pem file) and that you want to load it in Otoroshi.
  • Let's Encrypt certificate: asks a certificate matching a given host to Let’s encrypt
  • Create certificate: issues a certificate with an existing Otoroshi certificate as CA.
  • Import .p12 file: loads a p12 file as certificate

Add item

  • Id: the generated unique id of the certificate
  • Name: the name of the certificate
  • Description: the description of the certificate
  • Auto renew cert.: certificate will be issued when it will be expired. Only works with a CA from Otoroshi and a known private key
  • Client cert.: the certificate generated will be used to identicate a client to a server
  • Keypair: the certificate entity will be a pair of public key and private key.
  • Public key exposed: if true, the public key will be exposed on http://otoroshi-api.your-domain/.well-known/jwks.json
  • Certificate status: the current status of the certificate. It can be valid if the certificate is not revoked and not expired, or equal to the reason of the revocation
  • Certificate full chain: list of certificates used to authenticate a client or a server
  • Certificate private key: the private key of the certificate or nothing if wanted. You can omit it if you want just add a certificte full chain to trust them.
  • Private key password: the password to protect the private key
  • Certificate tags: the tags attached to the certificate
  • Certaificate metadata: the metadata attached to the certificate

Let’s Encrypt certificate

  • Let's encrypt: if enabled, the certificate will be generated by Let’s Encrypt. If disabled, the user will be redirect to the Create certificate page
  • Host: the host send to Let’s encrypt to issue the certificate

Create certificate view

  • Issuer: the CA used to sign your certificate
  • CA certificate: if enabled, the certificate will be used as an authority certificate. Once generated, it will be use as CA to sign the new certificates
  • Let's Encrypt: redirects to the Let’s Encrypt page to request a certificate
  • Client certificate: the certificate generated will be used to identicate a client to a server
  • Include A.I.A: include authority information access urls in the certificate
  • Key Type: the type of the private key
  • Key Size: the size of the private key
  • Signature Algorithm: the signature algorithm used to sign the certificate
  • Digest Algorithm: the digest algorithm used
  • Validity: how much time your certificate will be valid
  • Subject DN: the subject DN of your certificate
  • Hosts: the hosts of your certificate