
A route is an unique routing rule based on hostname, path, method and headers that will execute a bunch of plugins and eventually forward the request to the backend application.

UI page

You can find all routes here

Global Properties

  • location: the location of the entity
  • id: the id of the route
  • name: the name of the route
  • description: the description of the route
  • tags: the tags of the route. can be useful for api automation
  • metadata: the metadata of the route. can be useful for api automation. There are a few reserved metadata used by otorshi that can be found below
  • enabled: is the route enabled ? if not, the router will not consider this route
  • debugFlow: the debug flag. If enabled, the execution report for this route will contain all input/output values through steps of the proxy engine. For more informations, check the engine documentation
  • capture: if enabled, otoroshi will generate events containing the whole content of each request. Use with caution ! For more informations, check the engine documentation
  • exportReporting: if enabled, execution reports of the proxy engine will be generated for each request. Those reports are exportable using data exporters . For more informations, check the engine documentation
  • groups: each route is attached to a group. A group can have one or more services/routes. Each API key is linked to groups/routes/services and allow access to every entities in the groups.

Reserved metadata

some metadata are reserved for otoroshi usage. Here is the list of reserved metadata

  • otoroshi-core-user-facing: is this a user facing app for the snow monkey
  • otoroshi-core-use-akka-http-client: use the pure akka http client
  • otoroshi-core-use-netty-http-client: use the pure netty http client
  • otoroshi-core-use-akka-http-ws-client: use the modern websocket client
  • otoroshi-core-issue-lets-encrypt-certificate: enabled let’s encrypt certificate issue for this route. true or false
  • otoroshi-core-issue-certificate: enabled certificate issue for this route. true or false
  • otoroshi-core-issue-certificate-ca: the id of the CA cert to generate the certificate for this route
  • otoroshi-core-openapi-url: the openapi url for this route
  • otoroshi-core-env: the env for this route. here for legacy reasons
  • otoroshi-deployment-providers: in the case of relay routing, the providers for this route
  • otoroshi-deployment-regions: in the case of relay routing, the network regions for this route
  • otoroshi-deployment-zones: in the case of relay routing, the network zone for this route
  • otoroshi-deployment-dcs: in the case of relay routing, the datacenter for this route
  • otoroshi-deployment-racks: in the case of relay routing, the rack for this route

Frontend configuration

  • frontend: the frontend of the route. It’s the configuration that will configure how otoroshi router will match this route. A frontend has the following shape.
  "domains": [ // the matched domains and paths
    "" // here you can use wildcard in domain and path, also you can use named path params
  "strip_path": true, // is the matched path stripped in the forwarded request
  "exact": false, // perform exact matching on path, if not, will be matched on /path*
  "headers": {}, // the matched http headers. if none provided, any header will be matched
  "query": {}, // the matched http query params. if none provided, any query params will be matched
  "methods": [] // the matched http methods. if none provided, any method will be matched

For more informations about routing, check the engine documentation

Backend configuration

  • backend: a backend to forward requests to. For more informations, go to the backend documentation
  • backendRef: a reference to an existing backend id


the liste of plugins used on this route. Each plugin definition has the following shape:

  "enabled": false, // is the plugin enabled
  "debug": false, // is debug enabled of this specific plugin
  "plugin": "", // the id of the plugin
  "include": [], // included paths. if none, all paths are included
  "exclude": [], // excluded paths. if none, none paths are excluded
  "config": { // the configuration of the plugin
    "code": 303,
    "to": ""
  "plugin_index": { // the position of the plugin. if none provided, otoroshi will use the order in the plugin array
    "pre_route": 0

for more informations about the available plugins, go here