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Data transfer

This page covers features available only from 2.5.0

Izanami allows you to export and import data from one instance to another.

To import data from an Izanami v1 instance, check this page

Exporting data

Izanami allows to export data at tenant scope, you'll need admin right on tenant to export data. Go to tenant setting page and click "Export data" button.

You can either export everything from the tenant, or choose only some projects / webhooks / apikeys.

By default, Izanami won't export users rights, since some users may be missing on target instance, which could fail your import completely when using "fail" conflict startegy "see below". You can however check "Include user rights" if your users are the same on both instance or if you don't care about a few importing error (with skip / overwrite startegy, Izanami will import whatever it can).

After clicking "Export" button, data will be downloaded in an ndjson file.

Importing data

Once you've got your ndjson file, you can transfer your data to another Izanami instance.

To do so, go to target tenant setting page on your other Izanami instance, and click "Import data" button.

Indicate exported file in form, and choose a conflict handling strategy:

  • Fail : will fail and import nothing on conflict / error (for instance in case of missing user)
  • Skip : Izanami will import everything that can be without conflict, and skip the rest
  • Overwrite : Izanami will attempt to update conflicting elements with ndjson file data.

Once import is finished, browse your tenant to see imported data.