Configuring Izanami
Mandatory parameters
This parameter is mandatory for production purpose. This secret is used to encrypt various stuff such as token, cookies, or passwords.
Your application secret must have at least 256 bits.
You can either set the IZANAMI_SECRET
env variable or use the app.secret
⚠️ If a custom secret is not set, a default will be used. This default is not secured since it's visible in Izanami public github repository.
You can either provide a connection URI, or indicate database name, user, host, port and so on separately.
Environnement variable | Program argument | Default | |
Uri | IZANAMI_PG_URI | | |
Port | IZANAMI_PG_PORT | | 5432 |
Host | IZANAMI_PG_HOST | | |
Database name | IZANAMI_PG_DATABASE | | |
User | IZANAMI_PG_USER | | |
Password | IZANAMI_PG_PASSWORD | | |
Pool size | IZANAMI_PG_POOL_SIZE | | 20 |
Connect timeout(ms) | IZANAMI_PG_CONNECT_TIMEOUT | | 60000 |
Connection max lifetime | IZANAMI_PG_MAX_LIFETIME | | 0 (no maximum) |
IDLE timeout(s) | IZANAMI_PG_IDLE_TIMEOUT | | 0 (no timeout) |
Log activity | IZANAMI_PG_LOG_ACTIVITY | | false |
Pipelining limit | IZANAMI_PG_PIPELINING_LIMIT | | 256 |
HTTP server
Since Izanami uses play framework under the hood, http server configuration rely heavily on play configuration keys.
Table above list essentials parameters, check Play documentation for more.
Environnement variable | Program argument | Default | |
Port | PLAY_HTTP_PORT | play.server.http.port | 9000 |
Admin account
When creating on an empty database, Izanami will create a user for you.
You'll have to use this user for your first login.
Environnement variable | Program argument | Default | |
Password | IZANAMI_ADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD | app.admin.password | generated (and printed in stdout) |
Exposition url
Izanami needs to know on which URL it is exposed, this use for generating invitation link or query builder links.
Environnement variable | Program argument | Default | |
Exposition URL | IZANAMI_EXPOSITION_URL | app.exposition.url | http://localhost:${http.port} |
Optional parameters
Izanami allows to set up an external openid provider.
Environnement variable | Program argument | Default | |
Client ID | IZANAMI_OPENID_CLIENT_ID | app.openid.client-id | |
Client secret | IZANAMI_OPENID_CLIENT_SECRET | app.openid.client-secret | |
Authorize URL | IZANAMI_OPENID_AUTHORIZE_URL | app.openid.authorize-url | |
Token URL | IZANAMI_OPENID_TOKEN_URL | app.openid.token-url | |
Redirect URL | IZANAMI_OPENID_REDIRECT_URL | app.openid.redirect-url | ${app.exposition.url}/login |
Scopes | IZANAMI_OPENID_SCOPES | app.openid.scopes | openid email profile |
Email field | IZANAMI_OPENID_EMAIL_FIELD | | email |
Username field | IZANAMI_OPENID_USERNAME_FIELD | app.openid.username-field | name |
indicates which scopes should be requested when calling authorization url.Email field
indicates which field of id token should be used as user emailUsername field
indicates which field of id token should be used as username
If you chose to set up a WASMO instance alongside Izanami, you'll need to provide additional properties.
Environnement variable | Program argument | Default | |
Wasmo url | IZANAMI_WASMO_URL | app.wasmo.url | |
Wasmo client id | IZANAMI_WASMO_CLIENT_ID | app.wasmo.client-id | |
Wasmo client secret | IZANAMI_WASMO_CLIENT_SECRET | app.wasmo.client-secret | |
Wasm cache TTL (ms) | IZANAMI_WASM_CACHE_TTL | app.wasm.cache.ttl | 60000 |
Various time to live
Environnement variable | Program argument | Default | |
Invitation time to live (s) | IZANAMI_INVITATIONS_TTL | app.invitations.ttl | 86400 (24h) |
Session time to live (s) | IZANAMI_SESSIONS_TTL | app.sessions.ttl | 3700 |
Password reset request time to live (s) | IZANAMI_PASSWORD_RESET_REQUEST_TTL | app.password-reset-requests.ttl | 900 (15min) |
Izanami uses Play CORS filter to handle CORS.
Therefore, CORS is configurable using play.filters.cors
configuration keys.
Alternatively, Izanami re-exposes these configuration keys with below env variables :
Play configuration key | Environnement variable |
play.filters.cors.pathPrefixes | IZANAMI_CORS_PATH_PREFIXES |
play.filters.cors.allowedOrigins | IZANAMI_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS |
play.filters.cors.allowedHttpMethods | IZANAMI_CORS_ALLOWED_HTTP_METHODS |
play.filters.cors.allowedHttpHeaders | IZANAMI_CORS_ALLOWED_HTTP_HEADERS |
play.filters.cors.exposedHeaders | IZANAMI_CORS_EXPOSED_HEADERS |
play.filters.cors.supportsCredentials | IZANAMI_CORS_SUPPORTS_CREDENTIALS |
play.filters.cors.preflightMaxAge | IZANAMI_CORS_PREFLIGHT_MAX_AGE |
play.filters.cors.serveForbiddenOrigins | IZANAMI_CORS_SERVE_FORBIDDEN_ORIGINS |
Webhooks use exponential backoff algorithm to space out retries in case of failures. If retry exceed max allowed retry count, it stops trying and webhook won't be called.
Duration is computed as :
retryDelay = Math.min(initialDelay * Math.pow(multiplier, currentCount), maxDelay)
With configurable values
Play configuration key | Environnement variable | |
max retry count | app.webhooks.retry.count | IZANAMI_WEBHOOK_RETRY_COUNT |
initial delay (in seconds) | app.webhooks.retry.intial-delay | IZANAMI_WEBHOOK_RETRY_INITIAL_DELAY |
max delay (in seconds) | app.webhooks.retry.max-delay | IZANAMI_WEBHOOK_RETRY_MAX_DELAY |
multiplier | app.webhooks.retry.multiplier | IZANAMI_WEBHOOK_RETRY_MULTIPLIER |
SearchBar Parameter: similarity_threshold
The similartiy_threshold parameter in Izanami is a key setting that influences the behavior of similarity-based search queries.
This parameter determines how closely two strings need to match for the similarity function to recognize them as "similar".
The similarity_threshold is a floating-point value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0:
- 0.0: All strings are considered similar, allowing for maximum inclusivity in search results.
- 1.0: Requires an exact match, providing the highest precision.
By adjusting the threshold, you can control the sensitivity of your similarity searches:
- Lower values (0.2-0.4): Broader matching criteria, capturing more results that might be loosely related.
- Higher values (0.8-1.0): Stricter matching criteria, focusing on results that closely resemble the query.
Environnement variable | Program argument | Default | |
Similartiy_threshold parameter | IZANAMI_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD_PARAMETER | | 0.2 |