Wasmo Docs


Integration with Otoroshi

Wasmo plugins can be used with Otoroshi to build plugins to manipulate http requests.

Click here to read an article about Otoroshi and Wasmo.

§Bind Wasmo to Otoroshi

A convenient way to leverage Wasmo's plugins is by integrating Wasmo with Otoroshi. This enables manipulation of HTTP requests and responses within Otoroshi, facilitating the creation of mock API backends and addressing various other scenarios.

We can connect Otoroshi with Wasmo.

Steps are really straightforward :

  • navigate to the danger zone of your Otoroshi instance (create a new Otoroshi instance if not already done)
  • connect Wasmo by specify the URL field where your Wasmo is deployed : http://localhost:5001 (following the Getting Started tutorial).
  • save the configuration

Congratulations! You can now use your Wasmo plugins in the Otoroshi plugins :

§Expose Wasmo behind Otoroshi

You can configure Wasmo to delegate its authentication to Otoroshi. You should use this configuration in a production environment.

You can follow this tutorial to deploy Otoroshi and Wasmo, both locally, and to secure access to Wasmo.

To have more informations about Otoroshi and Wasmo, you can follow the two tutorials:

§Otoroshi plugins

Wasmo can initialize plugins with predefined Otoroshi templates, which you can find directly on the UI.

§Wasm Pre-Route

This plugin can be used to use a wasm plugin as in pre-route phase

export function execute() {
    let context = JSON.parse(Host.inputString());
      if (context.request.headers["foo"] === "bar") {
          const out = {
              result: true
      } else {
          const error = {
              result: false,
              error: {
                  message: "you're not authorized",
                  status: 401
      return 0;

§Wasm Request Transformer

Transform the content of the request with a wasm plugin

export function execute() {
    let context = JSON.parse(Host.inputString())

        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        body_json: {
            foo: "bar"

    return 0

§Wasm Response Transformer

Transform the content of a response with a wasm plugin

export function execute() {
    let context = JSON.parse(Host.inputString())

        status: 200,
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        body_json: {
            foo: "bar"
        // cookies 

    return 0

§Wasm Route matcher

The "matcher" is a tool that allows filtering a route during the routing phase. In practice, you can create two routes that are identical from a frontend perspective but have different "route matchers." These matchers will select one route or the other based on a specific criterion.

export function execute() {
    let context = JSON.parse(Host.inputString())

        result: context.request.headers.foo === "bar"

    return 0

§Wasm Sink

Handle unmatched requests with a wasm plugin

export function sink_matches() {
    // const context = JSON.parse(Host.inputString())
        result: true

    return 0

export function sink_handle() {
    const context = JSON.parse(Host.inputString())

        status: 200,
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body_json: {
            "WASM_SINK_RESPONSE": `Unknown path and domain for ${context.request.path}`

    return 0

§Wasm Access Control

Delegate route access to a wasm plugin

export function execute() {
    let context = JSON.parse(Host.inputString())

    if (context.request.headers["foo"] === "bar") {
        const out = {
            result: true
    } else {
        const error = {
            result: false,
            error: {
                message: "you're not authorized",
                status: 401

    return 0

§Wasm Backend

This plugin can be used to use a wasm plugin as backend

export function execute() {
  const str = Host.inputString()
  const context = JSON.parse(str)

  let headers = { ...context.request.headers }
  headers["foo"] = "bar"

  const response = {
    'Content-Type': "text/html",
    body: `<html lang="en">

                <meta charset="utf-8">
                <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
            <body style="
                display: flex;
                align-items: center;
                justify-content: center;
                flex-direction: column;
                height: 100vh;
                font-family: monospace;
                <h1>This HTML comes from the Wasmo plugin</h1>
                <img src="https://maif.github.io/wasmo/wasmo.png" style="
                width: 200;
    status: 200


  return 0