Sessions management


All logged users to an Otoroshi instance are administrators. An user session is created for each sucessfull connection to the UI.

These sessions are listed in the Admin users sessions (available in the cog icon menu or at this location of your instance /bo/dashboard/sessions/admin).

An admin user session is composed of:

  • name: the name of the connected user
  • email: the unique email
  • Created at: the creation date of the user session
  • Expires at: date until the user session is drop
  • Profile: user profile, at JSON format, containing name, email and others linked metadatas
  • Rights: list of rules to authorize the connected user on each tenant and teams.
  • Discard session: action to kill a session. On click, a modal will appear with the session ID

In the Admin users sessions page, you have two more actions:

  • Discard all sessions: kills all current sessions (including the session of the owner of this action)
  • Discard old sessions: kill all outdated sessions

Private apps

All logged users to a protected application has an private user session.

These sessions are listed in the Private apps users sessions (available in the cog icon menu or at this location of your instance /bo/dashboard/sessions/private).

An private user session is composed of:

  • name: the name of the connected user
  • email: the unique email
  • Created at: the creation date of the user session
  • Expires at: date until the user session is drop
  • Profile: user profile, at JSON format, containing name, email and others linked metadatas
  • Meta.: list of metadatas added by the authentication module.
  • Tokens: list of tokens received from the identity provider used. In the case of a memory authentication, this part will keep empty.
  • Discard session: action to kill a session. On click, a modal will appear with the session ID