Import and export Otoroshi datastore

Start Otoroshi with an initial datastore

Let’s start by downloading the latest Otoroshi

curl -L -o otoroshi.jar ''

By default, Otoroshi starts with domain that targets Now you are almost ready to run Otoroshi for the first time, we want run it with an initial data.

To do that, you need to add the otoroshi.importFrom setting to the Otoroshi configuration (of $APP_IMPORT_FROM env). It can be a file path or a URL. The content of the initial datastore can look something like the following.

  "label": "Otoroshi initial datastore",
  "admins": [],
  "simpleAdmins": [
      "_loc": {
        "tenant": "default",
        "teams": [
      "username": "",
      "password": "$2a$10$iQRkqjKTW.5XH8ugQrnMDeUstx4KqmIeQ58dHHdW2Dv1FkyyAs4C.",
      "label": "Otoroshi Admin",
      "createdAt": 1634651307724,
      "type": "SIMPLE",
      "metadata": {},
      "tags": [],
      "rights": [
          "tenant": "*:rw",
          "teams": [
  "serviceGroups": [
      "_loc": {
        "tenant": "default",
        "teams": [
      "id": "admin-api-group",
      "name": "Otoroshi Admin Api group",
      "description": "No description",
      "tags": [],
      "metadata": {}
      "_loc": {
        "tenant": "default",
        "teams": [
      "id": "default",
      "name": "default-group",
      "description": "The default service group",
      "tags": [],
      "metadata": {}
  "apiKeys": [
      "_loc": {
        "tenant": "default",
        "teams": [
      "clientId": "admin-api-apikey-id",
      "clientSecret": "admin-api-apikey-secret",
      "clientName": "Otoroshi Backoffice ApiKey",
      "description": "The apikey use by the Otoroshi UI",
      "authorizedGroup": "admin-api-group",
      "authorizedEntities": [
      "enabled": true,
      "readOnly": false,
      "allowClientIdOnly": false,
      "throttlingQuota": 10000,
      "dailyQuota": 10000000,
      "monthlyQuota": 10000000,
      "constrainedServicesOnly": false,
      "restrictions": {
        "enabled": false,
        "allowLast": true,
        "allowed": [],
        "forbidden": [],
        "notFound": []
      "rotation": {
        "enabled": false,
        "rotationEvery": 744,
        "gracePeriod": 168,
        "nextSecret": null
      "validUntil": null,
      "tags": [],
      "metadata": {}
  "serviceDescriptors": [
      "_loc": {
        "tenant": "default",
        "teams": [
      "id": "admin-api-service",
      "groupId": "admin-api-group",
      "groups": [
      "name": "otoroshi-admin-api",
      "description": "",
      "env": "prod",
      "domain": "",
      "subdomain": "otoroshi-api",
      "targetsLoadBalancing": {
        "type": "RoundRobin"
      "targets": [
          "host": "",
          "scheme": "http",
          "weight": 1,
          "mtlsConfig": {
            "certs": [],
            "trustedCerts": [],
            "mtls": false,
            "loose": false,
            "trustAll": false
          "tags": [],
          "metadata": {},
          "protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
          "predicate": {
            "type": "AlwaysMatch"
          "ipAddress": null
      "root": "/",
      "matchingRoot": null,
      "stripPath": true,
      "localHost": "",
      "localScheme": "http",
      "redirectToLocal": false,
      "enabled": true,
      "userFacing": false,
      "privateApp": false,
      "forceHttps": false,
      "logAnalyticsOnServer": false,
      "useAkkaHttpClient": true,
      "useNewWSClient": false,
      "tcpUdpTunneling": false,
      "detectApiKeySooner": false,
      "maintenanceMode": false,
      "buildMode": false,
      "strictlyPrivate": false,
      "enforceSecureCommunication": true,
      "sendInfoToken": true,
      "sendStateChallenge": true,
      "sendOtoroshiHeadersBack": true,
      "readOnly": false,
      "xForwardedHeaders": false,
      "overrideHost": true,
      "allowHttp10": true,
      "letsEncrypt": false,
      "secComHeaders": {
        "claimRequestName": null,
        "stateRequestName": null,
        "stateResponseName": null
      "secComTtl": 30000,
      "secComVersion": 1,
      "secComInfoTokenVersion": "Legacy",
      "secComExcludedPatterns": [],
      "securityExcludedPatterns": [],
      "publicPatterns": [
      "privatePatterns": [],
      "additionalHeaders": {
        "Host": ""
      "additionalHeadersOut": {},
      "missingOnlyHeadersIn": {},
      "missingOnlyHeadersOut": {},
      "removeHeadersIn": [],
      "removeHeadersOut": [],
      "headersVerification": {},
      "matchingHeaders": {},
      "ipFiltering": {
        "whitelist": [],
        "blacklist": []
      "api": {
        "exposeApi": false
      "healthCheck": {
        "enabled": false,
        "url": "/"
      "clientConfig": {
        "useCircuitBreaker": true,
        "retries": 1,
        "maxErrors": 20,
        "retryInitialDelay": 50,
        "backoffFactor": 2,
        "callTimeout": 30000,
        "callAndStreamTimeout": 120000,
        "connectionTimeout": 10000,
        "idleTimeout": 60000,
        "globalTimeout": 30000,
        "sampleInterval": 2000,
        "proxy": {},
        "customTimeouts": [],
        "cacheConnectionSettings": {
          "enabled": false,
          "queueSize": 2048
      "canary": {
        "enabled": false,
        "traffic": 0.2,
        "targets": [],
        "root": "/"
      "gzip": {
        "enabled": false,
        "excludedPatterns": [],
        "whiteList": [
        "blackList": [],
        "bufferSize": 8192,
        "chunkedThreshold": 102400,
        "compressionLevel": 5
      "metadata": {},
      "tags": [],
      "chaosConfig": {
        "enabled": false,
        "largeRequestFaultConfig": null,
        "largeResponseFaultConfig": null,
        "latencyInjectionFaultConfig": null,
        "badResponsesFaultConfig": null
      "jwtVerifier": {
        "type": "ref",
        "ids": [],
        "id": null,
        "enabled": false,
        "excludedPatterns": []
      "secComSettings": {
        "type": "HSAlgoSettings",
        "size": 512,
        "secret": "secret",
        "base64": false
      "secComUseSameAlgo": true,
      "secComAlgoChallengeOtoToBack": {
        "type": "HSAlgoSettings",
        "size": 512,
        "secret": "secret",
        "base64": false
      "secComAlgoChallengeBackToOto": {
        "type": "HSAlgoSettings",
        "size": 512,
        "secret": "secret",
        "base64": false
      "secComAlgoInfoToken": {
        "type": "HSAlgoSettings",
        "size": 512,
        "secret": "secret",
        "base64": false
      "cors": {
        "enabled": false,
        "allowOrigin": "*",
        "exposeHeaders": [],
        "allowHeaders": [],
        "allowMethods": [],
        "excludedPatterns": [],
        "maxAge": null,
        "allowCredentials": true
      "redirection": {
        "enabled": false,
        "code": 303,
        "to": ""
      "authConfigRef": null,
      "clientValidatorRef": null,
      "transformerRef": null,
      "transformerRefs": [],
      "transformerConfig": {},
      "apiKeyConstraints": {
        "basicAuth": {
          "enabled": true,
          "headerName": null,
          "queryName": null
        "customHeadersAuth": {
          "enabled": true,
          "clientIdHeaderName": null,
          "clientSecretHeaderName": null
        "clientIdAuth": {
          "enabled": true,
          "headerName": null,
          "queryName": null
        "jwtAuth": {
          "enabled": true,
          "secretSigned": true,
          "keyPairSigned": true,
          "includeRequestAttributes": false,
          "maxJwtLifespanSecs": null,
          "headerName": null,
          "queryName": null,
          "cookieName": null
        "routing": {
          "noneTagIn": [],
          "oneTagIn": [],
          "allTagsIn": [],
          "noneMetaIn": {},
          "oneMetaIn": {},
          "allMetaIn": {},
          "noneMetaKeysIn": [],
          "oneMetaKeyIn": [],
          "allMetaKeysIn": []
      "restrictions": {
        "enabled": false,
        "allowLast": true,
        "allowed": [],
        "forbidden": [],
        "notFound": []
      "accessValidator": {
        "enabled": false,
        "refs": [],
        "config": {},
        "excludedPatterns": []
      "preRouting": {
        "enabled": false,
        "refs": [],
        "config": {},
        "excludedPatterns": []
      "plugins": {
        "enabled": false,
        "refs": [],
        "config": {},
        "excluded": []
      "hosts": [
      "paths": [],
      "handleLegacyDomain": true,
      "issueCert": false,
      "issueCertCA": null
  "errorTemplates": [],
  "jwtVerifiers": [],
  "authConfigs": [],
  "certificates": [],
  "clientValidators": [],
  "scripts": [],
  "tcpServices": [],
  "dataExporters": [],
  "tenants": [
      "id": "default",
      "name": "Default organization",
      "description": "The default organization",
      "metadata": {},
      "tags": []
  "teams": [
      "id": "default",
      "tenant": "default",
      "name": "Default Team",
      "description": "The default Team of the default organization",
      "metadata": {},
      "tags": []

Run an Otoroshi with the previous file as parameter.

java \
  -Dotoroshi.adminPassword=password \
  -Dotoroshi.importFrom=./initial-state.json \
  -jar otoroshi.jar 

This should show

[info] otoroshi-env - Importing from: ./initial-state.json
[info] otoroshi-env - Successful import !
[info] p.c.s.AkkaHttpServer - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:8080

Warning : when you using Otoroshi with a datastore different from file or in-memory, Otoroshi will not reload the initialization script. If you expected, you have to manually clean your store.

Export the current datastore via the danger zone

When Otoroshi is running, you can backup the global configuration store from the UI. Navigate to your instance (in our case and scroll to the bottom page.

Click on Full export button to download the full global configuration.

Import a datastore from file via the danger zone

When Otoroshi is running, you can recover a global configuration from the UI. Navigate to your instance (in our case and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Click on Recover from a full export file button to apply all configurations from a file.

Export the current datastore with the Admin API

Otoroshi exposes his own Admin API to manage Otoroshi resources. To call this api, you need to have an api key with the rights on Otoroshi Admin Api group. This group includes the Otoroshi-admin-api service that you can found on the services page.

By default, and with our initial configuration, Otoroshi has already created an api key named Otoroshi Backoffice ApiKey. You can verify the rights of an api key on its page by checking the Authorized On field (you should find the Otoroshi Admin Api group inside).

The default api key id and secret are admin-api-apikey-id and admin-api-apikey-secret.

Run the next command with these values.

curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -u admin-api-apikey-id:admin-api-apikey-secret \

When calling the /api/otoroshi.json, the return should be the current datastore including the service descriptors, the api keys, all others resources like certificates and authentification modules, and the the global config (representing the form of the danger zone).

Import the current datastore with the Admin API

As the same way of previous section, you can erase the current datastore with a POST request. The route is the same : /api/otoroshi.json.

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "label" : "Otoroshi export",
    "dateRaw" : 1634714811217,
    "date" : "2021-10-20 09:26:51",
    "stats" : {
      "calls" : 4,
      "dataIn" : 0,
      "dataOut" : 97991
    "config" : {
      "tags" : [ ],
      "letsEncryptSettings" : {
        "enabled" : false,
        "server" : "acme://",
        "emails" : [ ],
        "contacts" : [ ],
        "publicKey" : "",
        "privateKey" : ""
      "lines" : [ "prod" ],
      "maintenanceMode" : false,
      "enableEmbeddedMetrics" : true,
      "streamEntityOnly" : true,
      "autoLinkToDefaultGroup" : true,
      "limitConcurrentRequests" : false,
      "maxConcurrentRequests" : 1000,
      "maxHttp10ResponseSize" : 4194304,
      "useCircuitBreakers" : true,
      "apiReadOnly" : false,
      "u2fLoginOnly" : false,
      "trustXForwarded" : true,
      "ipFiltering" : {
        "whitelist" : [ ],
        "blacklist" : [ ]
      "throttlingQuota" : 10000000,
      "perIpThrottlingQuota" : 10000000,
      "analyticsWebhooks" : [ ],
      "alertsWebhooks" : [ ],
      "elasticWritesConfigs" : [ ],
      "elasticReadsConfig" : null,
      "alertsEmails" : [ ],
      "logAnalyticsOnServer" : false,
      "useAkkaHttpClient" : false,
      "endlessIpAddresses" : [ ],
      "statsdConfig" : null,
      "kafkaConfig" : {
        "servers" : [ ],
        "keyPass" : null,
        "keystore" : null,
        "truststore" : null,
        "topic" : "otoroshi-events",
        "mtlsConfig" : {
          "certs" : [ ],
          "trustedCerts" : [ ],
          "mtls" : false,
          "loose" : false,
          "trustAll" : false
      "backOfficeAuthRef" : null,
      "mailerSettings" : {
        "type" : "none"
      "cleverSettings" : null,
      "maxWebhookSize" : 100,
      "middleFingers" : false,
      "maxLogsSize" : 10000,
      "otoroshiId" : "83539cbca-76ee-4abc-ad31-a4794e873848",
      "snowMonkeyConfig" : {
        "enabled" : false,
        "outageStrategy" : "OneServicePerGroup",
        "includeUserFacingDescriptors" : false,
        "dryRun" : false,
        "timesPerDay" : 1,
        "startTime" : "09:00:00.000",
        "stopTime" : "23:59:59.000",
        "outageDurationFrom" : 600000,
        "outageDurationTo" : 3600000,
        "targetGroups" : [ ],
        "chaosConfig" : {
          "enabled" : true,
          "largeRequestFaultConfig" : null,
          "largeResponseFaultConfig" : null,
          "latencyInjectionFaultConfig" : {
            "ratio" : 0.2,
            "from" : 500,
            "to" : 5000
          "badResponsesFaultConfig" : {
            "ratio" : 0.2,
            "responses" : [ {
              "status" : 502,
              "body" : "{\"error\":\"Nihonzaru everywhere ...\"}",
              "headers" : {
                "Content-Type" : "application/json"
            } ]
      "scripts" : {
        "enabled" : false,
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        "validatorConfig" : { },
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        "preRouteConfig" : { },
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        "sinkConfig" : { },
        "jobRefs" : [ ],
        "jobConfig" : { }
      "geolocationSettings" : {
        "type" : "none"
      "userAgentSettings" : {
        "enabled" : false
      "autoCert" : {
        "enabled" : false,
        "replyNicely" : false,
        "caRef" : null,
        "allowed" : [ ],
        "notAllowed" : [ ]
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        "defaultDomain" : null,
        "randomIfNotFound" : false,
        "includeJdkCaServer" : true,
        "includeJdkCaClient" : true,
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        "enabled" : false,
        "refs" : [ ],
        "config" : { },
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      "metadata" : { }
    "admins" : [ ],
    "simpleAdmins" : [ {
      "_loc" : {
        "tenant" : "default",
        "teams" : [ "default" ]
      "username" : "",
      "password" : "$2a$10$iQRkqjKTW.5XH8ugQrnMDeUstx4KqmIeQ58dHHdW2Dv1FkyyAs4C.",
      "label" : "Otoroshi Admin",
      "createdAt" : 1634651307724,
      "type" : "SIMPLE",
      "metadata" : { },
      "tags" : [ ],
      "rights" : [ {
        "tenant" : "*:rw",
        "teams" : [ "*:rw" ]
      } ]
    } ],
    "serviceGroups" : [ {
      "_loc" : {
        "tenant" : "default",
        "teams" : [ "default" ]
      "id" : "admin-api-group",
      "name" : "Otoroshi Admin Api group",
      "description" : "No description",
      "tags" : [ ],
      "metadata" : { }
    }, {
      "_loc" : {
        "tenant" : "default",
        "teams" : [ "default" ]
      "id" : "default",
      "name" : "default-group",
      "description" : "The default service group",
      "tags" : [ ],
      "metadata" : { }
    } ],
    "apiKeys" : [ {
      "_loc" : {
        "tenant" : "default",
        "teams" : [ "default" ]
      "clientId" : "admin-api-apikey-id",
      "clientSecret" : "admin-api-apikey-secret",
      "clientName" : "Otoroshi Backoffice ApiKey",
      "description" : "The apikey use by the Otoroshi UI",
      "authorizedGroup" : "admin-api-group",
      "authorizedEntities" : [ "group_admin-api-group" ],
      "enabled" : true,
      "readOnly" : false,
      "allowClientIdOnly" : false,
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      "dailyQuota" : 10000000,
      "monthlyQuota" : 10000000,
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        "enabled" : false,
        "rotationEvery" : 744,
        "gracePeriod" : 168,
        "nextSecret" : null
      "validUntil" : null,
      "tags" : [ ],
      "metadata" : { }
    } ],
    "serviceDescriptors" : [ {
      "_loc" : {
        "tenant" : "default",
        "teams" : [ "default" ]
      "id" : "admin-api-service",
      "groupId" : "admin-api-group",
      "groups" : [ "admin-api-group" ],
      "name" : "otoroshi-admin-api",
      "description" : "",
      "env" : "prod",
      "domain" : "",
      "subdomain" : "otoroshi-api",
      "targetsLoadBalancing" : {
        "type" : "RoundRobin"
      "targets" : [ {
        "host" : "",
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        "weight" : 1,
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          "loose" : false,
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          "type" : "AlwaysMatch"
        "ipAddress" : null
      } ],
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      "useNewWSClient" : false,
      "tcpUdpTunneling" : false,
      "detectApiKeySooner" : false,
      "maintenanceMode" : false,
      "buildMode" : false,
      "strictlyPrivate" : false,
      "enforceSecureCommunication" : true,
      "sendInfoToken" : true,
      "sendStateChallenge" : true,
      "sendOtoroshiHeadersBack" : true,
      "readOnly" : false,
      "xForwardedHeaders" : false,
      "overrideHost" : true,
      "allowHttp10" : true,
      "letsEncrypt" : false,
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      "secComTtl" : 30000,
      "secComVersion" : 1,
      "secComInfoTokenVersion" : "Legacy",
      "secComExcludedPatterns" : [ ],
      "securityExcludedPatterns" : [ ],
      "publicPatterns" : [ "/health", "/metrics" ],
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      "missingOnlyHeadersOut" : { },
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      "api" : {
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      "healthCheck" : {
        "enabled" : false,
        "url" : "/"
      "clientConfig" : {
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        "backoffFactor" : 2,
        "callTimeout" : 30000,
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      "secComAlgoChallengeOtoToBack" : {
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        "base64" : false
      "secComAlgoChallengeBackToOto" : {
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        "size" : 512,
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        "base64" : false
      "secComAlgoInfoToken" : {
        "type" : "HSAlgoSettings",
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      "cors" : {
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        "allowCredentials" : true
      "redirection" : {
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        "code" : 303,
        "to" : ""
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      "clientValidatorRef" : null,
      "transformerRef" : null,
      "transformerRefs" : [ ],
      "transformerConfig" : { },
      "apiKeyConstraints" : {
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          "enabled" : true,
          "headerName" : null,
          "queryName" : null
        "customHeadersAuth" : {
          "enabled" : true,
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        "clientIdAuth" : {
          "enabled" : true,
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          "queryName" : null
        "jwtAuth" : {
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          "secretSigned" : true,
          "keyPairSigned" : true,
          "includeRequestAttributes" : false,
          "maxJwtLifespanSecs" : null,
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          "queryName" : null,
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        "routing" : {
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          "oneMetaIn" : { },
          "allMetaIn" : { },
          "noneMetaKeysIn" : [ ],
          "oneMetaKeyIn" : [ ],
          "allMetaKeysIn" : [ ]
      "restrictions" : {
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        "allowLast" : true,
        "allowed" : [ ],
        "forbidden" : [ ],
        "notFound" : [ ]
      "accessValidator" : {
        "enabled" : false,
        "refs" : [ ],
        "config" : { },
        "excludedPatterns" : [ ]
      "preRouting" : {
        "enabled" : false,
        "refs" : [ ],
        "config" : { },
        "excludedPatterns" : [ ]
      "plugins" : {
        "enabled" : false,
        "refs" : [ ],
        "config" : { },
        "excluded" : [ ]
      "hosts" : [ "" ],
      "paths" : [ ],
      "handleLegacyDomain" : true,
      "issueCert" : false,
      "issueCertCA" : null
    } ],
    "errorTemplates" : [ ],
    "jwtVerifiers" : [ ],
    "authConfigs" : [ ],
    "certificates" : [],
    "clientValidators" : [ ],
    "scripts" : [ ],
    "tcpServices" : [ ],
    "dataExporters" : [ ],
    "tenants" : [ {
      "id" : "default",
      "name" : "Default organization",
      "description" : "The default organization",
      "metadata" : { },
      "tags" : [ ]
    } ],
    "teams" : [ {
      "id" : "default",
      "tenant" : "default",
      "name" : "Default Team",
      "description" : "The default Team of the default organization",
      "metadata" : { },
      "tags" : [ ]
    } ]
  }' \
  '' \
  -u admin-api-apikey-id:admin-api-apikey-secret 

This should output :

{ "done":true }

Note : be very carefully with this POST command. If you send a wrong JSON, you risk breaking your instance.

The second way is to send the same configuration but from a file. You can pass two kind of file : a json file or a ndjson file. Both files are available as export methods on the danger zone.

# the curl is run from a folder containing the initial-state.json file 
curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @./initial-state.json \
  '' \
  -u admin-api-apikey-id:admin-api-apikey-secret

This should output :

{ "done":true }

Note: To send a ndjson file, you have to set the Content-Type header at application/x-ndjson