JWT verifiers

Sometimes, it can be pretty useful to verify Jwt tokens coming from other provider on some services. Otoroshi provides a tool to do that per service.

  • Name: name of the JWT verifier
  • Description: a simple description
  • Strict: if not strict, request without JWT token will be allowed to pass. This option is helpful when you want to force the presence of tokens in each request on a specific service
  • Tags: list of tags associated to the module
  • Metadata: list of metadata associated to the module

Each JWT verifier is configurable in three steps : the location where find the token in incoming requests, the validation step to check the signature and the presence of claims in tokens, and the last step, named Strategy.

Token location

An incoming token can be found in three places.

In query string

  • Source: JWT token location in query string
  • Query param name: the name of the query param where JWT is located

In a header

  • Source: JWT token location in a header
  • Header name: the name of the header where JWT is located
  • Remove value: when the token is read, this value will be remove of header value (example: if the header value is Bearer xxxx, the remove value could be Bearer  don’t forget the space at the end of the string)

In a cookie

  • Source: JWT token location in a cookie
  • Cookie name: the name of the cookie where JWT is located

Token validation

This section is used to verify the extracted token from specified location.

  • Algo.: What kind of algorithm you want to use to verify/sign your JWT token with

According to the selected algorithm, the validation form will change.

Hmac + SHA

  • SHA Size: Word size for the SHA-2 hash function used
  • Hmac secret: used to verify the token
  • Base64 encoded secret: if enabled, the extracted token will be base64 decoded before it is verifier


  • SHA Size: Word size for the SHA-2 hash function used
  • Public key: the RSA public key
  • Private key: the RSA private key that can be empty if not used for JWT token signing


  • SHA Size: Word size for the SHA-2 hash function used
  • Public key: the ECDSA public key
  • Private key: the ECDSA private key that can be empty if not used for JWT token signing

RSASSA-PKCS1 + SHA from KeyPair

  • SHA Size: Word size for the SHA-2 hash function used
  • KeyPair: used to sign/verify token. The displayed list represents the key pair registered in the Certificates page

ECDSA + SHA from KeyPair

  • SHA Size: Word size for the SHA-2 hash function used
  • KeyPair: used to sign/verify token. The displayed list represents the key pair registered in the Certificates page

Otoroshi KeyPair from token kid (only for verification)

  • Use only exposed keypairs: if enabled, Otoroshi will only use the key pairs that are exposed on the well-known. If disabled, it will search on any registered key pairs.

JWK Set (only for verification)

  • URL: the JWK set URL where the public keys are exposed
  • HTTP call timeout: timeout for fetching the keyset
  • TTL: cache TTL for the keyset
  • HTTP Headers: the HTTP headers passed
  • Key type: type of the key searched in the jwks

TLS settings for JWKS fetching

  • Custom TLS Settings: TLS settings for JWKS fetching
  • TLS loose: if enabled, will block all untrustful ssl configs
  • Trust all: allows any server certificates even the self-signed ones
  • Client certificates: list of client certificates used to communicate with JWKS server
  • Trusted certificates: list of trusted certificates received from JWKS server


  • Proxy host: host of proxy behind the identify provider
  • Proxy port: port of proxy behind the identify provider
  • Proxy principal: user of proxy
  • Proxy password: password of proxy


The first step is to select the verifier strategy. Otoroshi supports 4 types of JWT verifiers:

  • Default JWT token will add a token if no present.
  • Verify JWT token will only verifiy token signing and fields values if provided.
  • Verify and re-sign JWT token will verify the token and will re-sign the JWT token with the provided algo. settings.
  • Verify, re-sign and transform JWT token will verify the token, re-sign and will be able to transform the token.

All verifiers has the following properties:

  • Verify token fields: when the JWT token is checked, each field specified here will be verified with the provided value
  • Verify token array value: when the JWT token is checked, each field specified here will be verified if the provided value is contained in the array

Default JWT token

  • Strict: if token is already present, the call will fail
  • Default value: list of claims of the generated token. These fields support raw values or language expressions. See the documentation about the expression language

Verify JWT token

No specific values needed. This kind of verifier needs only the two fields Verify token fields and Verify token array value.

Verify and re-sign JWT token

When Verify and re-sign JWT token is chosen, the Re-sign settings appear. All fields of Re-sign settings are the same of the Token validation section. The only difference is that the values are used to sign the new token and not to validate the token.

Verify, re-sign and transform JWT token

When Verify, re-sign and transform JWT token is chosen, the Re-sign settings and Transformation settings appear.

The Re-sign settings are used to sign the new token and has the same fields than the Token validation section.

For the Transformation settings section, the fields are:

  • Token location: the location where to find/set the JWT token
  • Header name: the name of the header where JWT is located
  • Prepend value: remove a value inside the header value
  • Rename token fields: when the JWT token is transformed, it is possible to change a field name, just specify origin field name and target field name
  • Set token fields: when the JWT token is transformed, it is possible to add new field with static values, just specify field name and value
  • Remove token fields: when the JWT token is transformed, it is possible to remove fields