From sources

to build Nio from sources, you need the following tools :

  • git
  • JDK 8
  • SBT
  • node
  • yarn

Once you’ve installed all those tools, go to the Nio github page and clone the sources :

git clone

then you need to run the script to build the documentation, the React UI and the server :

sh ./scripts/

and that’s all, you can grab your Nio package at nio/target/scala-2.12/nio or nio/target/universal/.

For those who want to build only parts of Nio, read the following.

Build the documentation only

Go to manual folder and run :

sbt ';clean;paradox'

The documentation is located at manual/target/paradox/site/main

Build the React UI

Go to the nio-server/javascript folder and run :

yarn install && yarn build

You will find the JS bundle at nio/public/javascripts/bundle/bundle.js.

Build the Nio server

Run :

sbt 'project nio-server' ;clean;compile;dist;assembly'

You will find your Nio package at nio/target/scala-2.12/nio or nio/target/universal/.