Config. with ENVs

Every property in the following block can be overriden by an environment variable (an environment variable is written like ${?ENV_VARIABLE}).

Play settings

Config property Env variable Description Default value
play.http.secret.key APPLICATION_SECRET A token to sign cookies nioSecret
http.port HTTP_PORT The port used 9000

Nio basic settings

Config property Env variable Description Default value
nio.baseUrl NIO_BASE_URL Nio base url http://localhost:9000
nio.logoutUrl LOGOUT_URL Nio logout url, depends on security mode selected http://localhost:9000/api/nio/logout
nio.downloadFileHost DOWNLOAD_FILE_HOST Nio download file url http://localhost:9000/_download


Define security mode

Config property Env variable Description Default value
nio.filter.securityMode SECURITY_MODE Define the security mode : default, otoroshi or auth0 otoroshi

Security mode : otoroshi

Config property Env variable Description Default value
nio.filter.otoroshi.issuer OTOROSHI_ISSUER The issuer for jwt token Otoroshi
nio.filter.otoroshi.sharedKey CLAIM_SHAREDKEY Shared key used to encrypt jwt token none
nio.filter.otoroshi.headerClaim FILTER_CLAIM_HEADER_NAME The name of the claim header Otoroshi-Claim
nio.filter.otoroshi.headerRequestId FILTER_REQUEST_ID_HEADER_NAME The name of the requestId header Otoroshi-Request-Id
nio.filter.otoroshi.headerGatewayState FILTER_GATEWAY_STATE_HEADER_NAME The name of the state header Otoroshi-State
nio.filter.otoroshi.headerGatewayStateResp FILTER_GATEWAY_STATE_RESP_HEADER_NAME The name of the state resp header Otoroshi-State-Resp
nio.filter.otoroshi.headerGatewayHeaderClientId FILTER_GATEWAY_HEADER_CLIENT_ID The name of the header for clientId Otoroshi-Client-Id
nio.filter.otoroshi.headerGatewayHeaderClientSecret FILTER_GATEWAY_HEADER_CLIENT_SECRET The name of the header of clientSecret Otoroshi-Client-Secret

Security mode : auth0

Config property Env variable Description Default value
nio.filter.auth0.clientId AUTH0_CLIENT_ID Auth0 Client Id value
nio.filter.auth0.clientSecret AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET Auth0 Client Secret value
nio.filter.auth0.callbackUrl AUTH0_CALLBACK_URL Auth0 Callback url
nio.filter.auth0.domain AUTH0_DOMAIN Auth0 Domain
nio.filter.auth0.audience AUTH0_AUDIENCE Auth0 Audience
nio.filter.auth0.apiKeys.headerClientId FILTER_CLAIM_HEADER_CLIENT_ID_NAME The name of the header for clientId
nio.filter.auth0.apiKeys.headerClientSecret FILTER_CLAIM_HEADER_CLIENT_SECRET_NAME The name of the header of clientSecret

Security mode : default

Config property Env variable Description Default value
nio.filter.default.sharedKey FILTER_CLAIM_SHARED_KEY Shared key used to encrypt jwt token Nio
nio.filter.default.cookieClaim FILTER_COOKIE_CLAIM Cookie name Nio
nio.filter.default.issuer FILTER_ISSUER The issuer for jwt token Nio
nio.filter.default.apiKeys.headerClientId FILTER_CLAIM_HEADER_CLIENT_ID_NAME The name of the header for clientId Nio-Client-Id
nio.filter.default.apiKeys.headerClientSecret FILTER_CLAIM_HEADER_CLIENT_SECRET_NAME The name of the header for clientSecret Nio-Client-Secret
nio.filter.default.apiKeys.defaultUser.username NIO_DEFAULT_USER Default nio user
nio.filter.default.apiKeys.defaultUser.password NIO_DEFAULT_PASSWORD Default nio user password admin

Kafka configuration

Config property Env variable Description Default value
nio.kafka.servers KAFKA_HOST The host of the kafka server
nio.kafka.nbPartitions KAFKA_NB_PARTITIONS Number of partitions
nio.kafka.keyPass KAFKA_PASSWORD The password for ssl certificate
nio.kafka.keystore.location KAFKA_KEYSTORE_LOCATION The absolute location of the keystore if ssl is used
nio.kafka.truststore.location KAFKA_TRUSTORE_LOCATION The absolute location of the truststore if ssl is used
nio.kafka.topic KAFKA_TOPIC The kafka topic nio-consent-events
nio.kafka.groupId KAFKA_GROUP_ID The consumer group id nio
nio.kafka.eventsGroupIn KAFKA_EVENT_GROUP_IN The consumer group in (record management) 10000
nio.kafka.eventsGroupDuration KAFKA_EVENT_GROUP_DURATION The consumer group duration (record management) 10 hours
nio.kafka.catchUpEvents.strategy KAFKA_CATCHUP_EVENTS_STRATEGY The unsend kafka events catch up scheduler strategy. “All” to catch up all unsend events or “Last” to send just last event. Last
nio.kafka.catchUpEvents.delay KAFKA_CATCHUP_EVENTS_DELAY The unsend kafka events catch up scheduler delay 1 hours
nio.kafka.catchUpEvents.interval KAFKA_CATCHUP_EVENTS_INTERVAL The unsend kafka events catch up scheduler interval 1 hours

S3 configuration

Config property Env variable Description Default value
nio.recordManagementEnabled ENABLE_RECORD_MANAGEMENT To enable the record management true
nio.s3ManagementEnabled ENABLE_S3_MANAGEMENT To enable the S3 management true
nio.s3Config.bucketName CELLAR_BUCKET_NAME The cellar bucket name use to the record management nioevents
nio.s3Config.uploadBucketName CELLAR_UPLOAD_BUCKET_NAME The cellar bucket name use to upload and download file (extraction data request) nioupload
nio.s3Config.endpoint CELLAR_ADDON_HOST The host of the S3 server http://localhost:8000
nio.s3Config.accessKey CELLAR_ADDON_KEY_ID The key id of the S3 server newAccessKey
nio.s3Config.secretKey CELLAR_ADDON_KEY_SECRET The key secret of the S3 server newSecretKey
nio.s3Config.expireAtInDay CELLAR_UPLOAD_EXPIRE_AT_IN_DAY Expire at in day (extraction data request file) 60
nio.s3Config.region S3_REGION The S3 Region of the S3 server us-west-2
nio.s3Config.chunkSizeInMb S3_CHUNK_SIZE_IN_MB Chunk size to upload file on S3 server 50

Mail gun configuration

Config property Env variable Description Default value
nio.mailSendingEnable ENABLE_MAIL_SENDING To enable e-mail sending false
nio.mailGunConfig.apiKey MAIL_GUN_API_KEY The MailGun Api key
nio.mailGunConfig.endpoint MAIL_GUN_ENDPOINT The MailGun Endpoint
nio.mailGunConfig.from MAIL_GUN_SENDER The MailGun default sender

Tenant configuration

Config property Env variable Description Default value
tenant.admin.header TENANT_ADMIN_HEADER The tenant admin header name tenant-admin-secret
tenant.admin.secret TENANT_ADMIN_SECRET The tenant admin secret changeme

HealthCheck configuration

Config property Env variable Description Default value
healthcheck.header HEALTH_CHECK_HEADER The health check header name health-check-secret
healthcheck.secret HEALTH_CHECK_SECRET The health check secret value changeme

MongoDB configuration

Config property Env variable Description Default value
mongodb.uri MONGODB_ADDON_URI The mongodb addon uri mongodb://localhost:27017/nio
db.flush DB_FLUSH To initialize the mongo database false