From sources
To run izanami from sources, you will need :
- git
- JDK 11
- Node.js 10
- yarn or npm
First get the sources :
git clone --depth=1
Build the javascript
Then go to the js folder :
cd izanami-server/javascript
And then
yarn install
yarn build
Package the server
Allow the compiler to use more memory :
SBT_OPTS="-Xmx2G -Xss20M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512M"
From the root folder
Build the native package
sbt 'izanami-server/dist'
The build package is located on the folder izanami-server/target/universal/
Build the fat jar
sbt 'izanami-server/assembly'
The build package is located on the folder izanami-server/scala-2.12/izanami/