Technical considerations

We made some opinionated choices on Thoth return types/

  • The java CompletionStage is used for async call but there is wrappers that exposes Mono for spring integration.

  • The reactive stream Publisher is used for stream processing and akka Source and spring Flux can be used in modules.

  • The vavr Either is used to handle business errors. The idea is to have three channels:

    • it’s ok: CompletionStage(Right("Result"))
    • it’s an error: CompletionStage(Left("Bad request"))
    • it’s a failure: CompletionStage.failed(CrashedException("Crap!"))
  • io.vavr.Tuple0 is used instead of void so everything can be an expression:

    Tuple0 sideEffect() {
        println("I have done a side effect");
        return Tuple.empty();