Aggregate store

In the current state of our system, if we request an account, here is what happen:

  • The system read all events related to our account id
  • Starting from an empty state, it applies all events to “rebuild” the latest state version
  • It returns this latest state

In a real world bank system, we would have several thousands of events.

In such a scenario, applying all events would have a high performance cost.

To fix this issue, one solution is to implement an AggregateStore.

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public class BankAggregateStore extends DefaultAggregateStore<Account, BankEvent, Tuple0, Tuple0, Connection> {

    public BankAggregateStore(EventStore<Connection, BankEvent, Tuple0, Tuple0> eventStore, EventHandler<Account, BankEvent> eventEventHandler, ActorSystem system, TransactionManager<Connection> transactionManager) {
        super(eventStore, eventEventHandler, system, transactionManager);

    public BankAggregateStore(EventStore<Connection, BankEvent, Tuple0, Tuple0> eventStore, EventHandler<Account, BankEvent> eventEventHandler, Materializer materializer, TransactionManager<Connection> transactionManager) {
        super(eventStore, eventEventHandler, materializer, transactionManager);

    public CompletionStage<Tuple0> storeSnapshot(
            Connection connection,
            String id,
            Option<Account> maybeState) {
        return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {

            maybeState.peek(state -> {
                try {
                    PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("""
                                INSERT INTO ACCOUNTS(ID, BALANCE) VALUES(?, ?)
                                ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET balance = ?
                    statement.setString(1, id);
                    statement.setBigDecimal(2, state.balance);
                    statement.setBigDecimal(3, state.balance);
                } catch (SQLException throwable) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(throwable);

            return Tuple.empty();

    public CompletionStage<Option<Account>> getAggregate(Connection connection, String entityId) {
        return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
            PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT balance FROM ACCOUNTS WHERE id=?");
            statement.setString(1, entityId);
            ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery();

            if ( {
                BigDecimal amount = resultSet.getBigDecimal("balance");

                Account account = new Account();
       = entityId;
                account.balance = amount;

                return Option.some(account);
            } else {
                return Option.none();

This aggregate store maintains a parallel Accounts table in the database that stores the latest state of each account.

To add this aggregateStore in our system, we need to pass it to our PostgresKafkaEventProcessor.

public class Bank {
    public Bank() {
        BankAggregateStore bankAggregateStore = new BankAggregateStore(eventStore, eventHandler, actorSystem, transactionManager);

        this.eventProcessor = new PostgresKafkaEventProcessor<>(new PostgresKafkaEventProcessor.PostgresKafkaEventProcessorConfig<>(

IMPORTANT NOTE: This aggregate store should only be used when having performance issues on state reading. It’s a tradeoff where we accept to have slower write to get faster read.

To implement an alternative read model (i.e. CQRS), projections should be used.