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Developing Izanami

Here are some tips to help you get started with Izanami contribution.


Here is what you'll need

  • git
  • SBT > 1.9.7
  • JDK >= 21
  • Node > 20
  • Docker / Colima / whatever allows you to run docker-compose

Clone remote repository

git clone
cd izanami

Install deps

For backend

sbt compile

For frontend

cd izanami-frontend
npm install

Running project

First let's start some containers, docker-compose.yml contains everything that may be needed by Izanami (mock SMTP server, WASMO, simple OIDC provider, postgres database, ...). You may delete some of these elements to reduce consumed resources, however you need to keep the Postgres database.

# In root directory
docker-compose up

Now let's start the backend

# Opening 5005 port allows to plug in Izanami for debug
sbt -jvm-debug 5005
# You may add -Dapp.sessions.TTL=604800 to have longer login sessions
~run -Dconfig.resource=dev.conf

And finally let's start frontend application

cd izanami-frontend
npm run dev

After eveyrhing is started, browse to http://localhost:3000 (login form may take some time to respon since compilation is started on first backend request).

Running tests

Backend tests

To run backend tests, you will need to start Izanami and associated containers independently.

To do so, just start the backend and the docker containers with the above commands.

Once backend and containers are started, just run

sbt test

Experimental direct test execution

Alternatively, you can run one test suite directly (without Izanami and containers running). The suite will start everything for you, however this is way slower than above method and still highly experimental.

If you're using Colima instead of docker, this method may require the following env variables to be set :


Frontend tests

As for backend tests, you'll need backend and docker containers started to run frontend tests.

You'll also need to start your frontend on localhost:3000 (using above commands).

Once everything is running, just run

npm test

You may need to let playwright install browsers before executing tests.


To package frontend :

cd izanami-frontend
npm run build

To package backend (make sure to package frontend first) :

sbt "set test in assembly := {}" clean assembly

To start generated jar

java -Dconfig.resource=dev.conf -jar ./target/scala-2.13/izanami.jar

To build docker image (after packaging frontend and backends)

docker build -t izanami .

To test docker image

docker run --env IZANAMI_PG_URI=postgresql://postgres:postgres@host.docker.internal:5432/postgres -p 9000:9000 izanami

Running documentation locally

To run documentation, just install and start project in manual folder.

cd manual
npm i
npm start