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Deploy your site

To synchronize your site with your Daikoku, you can push your changes by running the command:

daikoku push

You can visualize each files pushed to the Daikoku in the terminal. Once done, you can open your browser and login to your Daikoku to set up the pages on your tenant.

Expose your Daikoku instance

The first step is to set your tenant's visibility to public:

  1. Navigate to your tenant administration form
  2. In the security section, disable the private tenant button
  3. Save the configuration
  4. Navigate to the customization section
  5. At the bottom of the page, under the Pages section, you can switch on the Home page visibility button and save the configuration

Select pages from Tenant Administration

Once you have created pages using the Daikoku CLI and pushed them, you can choose which pages will be used to the:

  • home page : this is the first page displayed to the client
  • 404 page : no need to explain this
  • authenticated page : you can choose which pages will be displayed when an unauthenticated user navigates to a page requiring authentication
  • cacheTTL : duration used by the manager to delay re-rendering of a page

Let's select the pages:

home page   -> /
404 page -> /404
  1. Save the changes.
  2. Navigate to the following URL on your Daikoku : http(s)://daikoku-url/_/

Congratulations, you have a custom site exposed in front of your Daikoku!