
Concept Definition
action A task which is executed when conditions are verified.
action function A callable object called to execute the action.
action parameter Parameter of an action function.
condition A condition to be verified before executing an action.
condition id Identifier of a single condition (must be in CAPITAL LETTER).
condition expression A boolean expression combining several conditions (meaning several condition id).
condition function A callable object called to be verified therefore it returns a boolean.
condition parameter Parameter of a condition/validation function.
custom condition A user-defined condition.
rule A set of conditions combined to one action.
rule group A group of rules (usually sharing a common context).
rule id Identifier of a single rule.
rule set A set of rule groups (mostly one: default_rule_set).
simple condition A built-in very simple condition.
standard condition The regular built-in condition.
validation function Same thing as a condition function.